Martia Nelson & Rincon



Hot Diggity Dog Dancing is Martia Nelson’s eclectic version of canine freestyle dance—or dog dancing—an activity that’s attracting dog lovers all over the world. In canine freestyle dance, people and their dogs dance with each other to music.


Dance with your dog??!! You betcha’. It’s easy and fun. (Dogs dance on all four feet.) You’ll teach your dog cool steps like:

  • Circle around you.
  • Twirl with you.
  • Weave between your legs as you walk.
  • Do the “dog trot" and "dog cha cha.”
  • Bow.

Hot Diggity Dog Dancing emphasizes fun and the loving bond with your dog. You do not have to be a good dancer. Dogs with a wide range of obedience skills are welcome.  Dogs still working on basic obedience enjoy the movement of dancing, develop focus, and become better at taking instructions from their person. For more experienced dogs, dancing can be a fun type of advanced and creative obedience training.


Do dogs enjoy dancing?  Of Course!  We've even heard of some dogs spontaneously incorporating their new moves into their play.


We’ll all have a good time. Who knows -- your dog might be a canine Fred Astaire or Ginger Rogers just waiting for the chance to shine!